Someone posted:
<<Odent also spoke of IV oxytocin.  He said that from a chemical
standpoint it is the same, BUT it does not cross the blood brain barrier,
IS NOT a "love hormone", and has NO behavioral effects>>

I think the lovely (?)Swedish researcher at ILCA conf who spoke on
oxytocin did find  behavioral effects. In fact women together in groups
had physiological changes?? Am I remembering this right? I remember
thinking, "this is part of why LLL mtgs work." Obviously lots more
studies needed.  Also does IV oxytocin before, during labor saturate oxy.
receptors? And give problems to these moms as far as initiation or mer?
Would love more of this physiology at conferences.

Laurie Wheeler, RNC, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch
Violet Louisiana USA