I have a theory on why this mother is having night sweats.  Having just
completed some reading on menopause, it was stated that the most
common symptom reported was "hot flashes", also called "night sweats"
when they occur at night (Moore, R., 1997).  These are primarily caused
by estrogen deficiency, triggering the release of the neurotransmitter
norepinephrine.  This in turn affects the temperature regulation center of
the brain, the hypothalamus and causes a sensation of warmth.
Sweating often results in the body's attempt to cool itself.

It makes sense that this could be the cause of the condition in the mother
you described, since decreased circulating estrogen is common in
breast-feeding.  Just a thought!

Cindy Anderson, MS, CNS, IBCLC
University of ND

Moore, R.  (1997).  Clinical Considerations in Acute-Onset Menopause, A
Self-Study Module.