In a message dated 97-10-15 09:22:56 EDT, you write:

>God knows I'll take some more heat for this, but I am becomming resigned to
>being known as the Queen of Silicone.  Anyway, Medela has been back ordered
>on nipple shields since Aug.

I know Barb, this problem is being resolved with a new supplier that Medela
went with.  They unfortunately were unable to keep up with the sales with
their other supplier so they went with another one.  It is frustrating, I
know because I am getting the calls.  We all are hoarding any we can.  It is
sorta funny but sad because I remember not to long ago when I hated them and
use to lecture on how horrible they are and never use them.  Maybe that shows
us how  closed minded people are finally getting to open our minds up.
 Meanwhile, I get to sit in Chicago traffic this am as I head downtown
Chicago to lecture on Cleft Lip/Palate baby & BF.  Better go.
PS-- did you all see the new Ross "BEST" BF Education, Support, and Training
materials.  They are beautiful and real scary what is happening.
Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeing Connection/Medela
Naperville, IL