There are a lot of closet nipple shield users.

<< I actually thought that we would get more horror stories than "hey, they
 work in this situation with which I am familiar" reports.  NOT A SINGLE
 horror story or report of how they impeded breastfeeding came in.

 As a result, none with that orientation was published.  Now (and probably
 forever), those of us involved with that issue will be pilloried for DARING
 to consider that such a device actually has a function when assisting
 mothers. >>

I came out with regards to that issue quite some time ago....yup, I confess,
there are those silicone things in my closet, right up there in front of God
and everyone.  I don't use 'em often, but I do use 'em.

And now, a question for the NS Queen and NS Ladies....what do you do with a
baby that refuses not only the breast (consistently) but refuses to latch on
with a shield too?  And even skin to skin and 'rebirthing" doesn't cut it
with this punkin???
