In a message dated 97-10-12 11:26:26 EDT, you write:

>I found Pat Bull's comments interesting on the inadviseability of nipple
>shields when there is Thrush.


What I said was undiagnosed thrush (at least that is what I meant).  Many
moms that have a sore nipple will ask dad to go to the store and get
something.  When dad goes to the local store, he sees "nipple shield", etc.,
buys it, takes it home to mom.  Mom wears the shield without any other
treatment and wonders why it gets worse.  If mom is followed by an LC and is
ALSO being treated for yeast with meds., I see no problem with a nipple
shield if it works for you.  See the difference????  Communication is fun
over the internet.  Hope that clears things up with my post.
Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
Naperville, IL- where it was 80 yesterday and dropping to 40's tonight.