I believe that is the same video that they put out a few years ago and tried
to claim one of our prominent LC's  up here in Michigan USA had approved it
(NOT).  It also came with a very hard to use booklet.  the formula reps were
bringing this book directly to the lc's at all the local hospitals with the
high reccomedation of this well known LC.  She basically wrote a cease and
desist letter to the mead johnson  rep and the rep's supervisor.

I also reviewed this very poor content video and as a pharmacist/LC was very
glad that it quickly disappeared from our market area.

This video reappearing (even in updatedf form) confims my own thoughts that
good information does not get ever get passed along fast enough or long
enough to many times get to help the moms in real need, but bad info keeps
coming back up like a bad meal -- no matter how many antiacids you consume.

Anne Norton-Krawciw