I always tell the mothers using ABM that they must boil water but add the
caution of only boiling it 3-5 minutes.   Even in the best of water systems
there are ocassionally giardia, and viral contaminants, and usually
chlorine, all these are eliminated with boiling.  I explain that the time
limit is very important because any lead in the water will become
concentrated, and too many of the good minerals such as iron or copper can
cause constipation in the baby.
        I also like the fact that this makes bottle feeding less convenient!  And
I do believe that by emphasizing the importance of cleanliness, it does
help protect the baby.   Furthermore, I point out to the mother that this
baby is unique, the only little Sally(or whoever), that s/he was created
special by this mom and dad, and can never be exactly repeated...
Michelle Scott, RD,MA,IBCLC   in    NH