I found the Grantly Dick Read quote on p. 197 of the 1953 edition of his Child
birth Without Fear that I have.

While I was browsing through his chapter [14]  on breastfeeding I noticed he
divided women into two groups: "1.  Those who wish to breast-feed and cannot.
 2.  Those who do not wish to... and do not."

He lists reasons for the cannot group- severe illness of the mother,
malformed breasts, babies who are unable to suck.   Also, economic reasons-
babies artificially fed in the day by strangers, breastfed at night & early
morning by mother who may find this difficult to do [due to uncomfortable
breast in the day or discomfort of expressing milk.]   And, having no milk.
   He goes on to say that some "have the absence of desire to suckle the
infant.  Women feed their babies with their minds through their breasts.  The
majority of this group [no milk] suffer from psychopathic inhibition, not
physical or hormonal dysfunction. "

And, "The fact that there are women and babies who cannot do it must be
accepted, but in spite of all contraindication, only 4 or 5 per cent of
healthy women are physically unable to feed their babies at the breast."

Mardrey Swenson
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