Hi All !!!

A friend on another list I am on posted this case yesterday. She gave me
permission to post it to all of you to see if anyone has a clue. If you
respond back, I want you to know that I plan to forward your response
back to the other list ( for student/apprentice midwives ). If that is
not OK with you, please let me know.



        There was a woman who went to a midwife for her first pregnancy.
She was 42 years old and had been eating a vegetarian diet for years.
Once she became pregnant, she craved non-vegetarian food and ate some
meats and dairy, but not much. She continued to eat lots of algae and
organic foods.
        Her pregnancy was basically uneventful, she delivered a beautiful
baby, no tearing, no pp hemorrhage. After the baby was born, he started
nursing right away. She had lots of colostrum, and the baby was doing
fine at the two day pp check up. At the two week check up her milk had
not come in, her hair was falling out and her teeth had ALL turned brown.
The baby had not lost weight, but had not gained any either. The midwife
advised her to contact a lactation consultant.
        She had two doctors, two lactation consultants and the midwife
trying to help her, but no one could figure out what was going on. The
baby was getting frustrated, and was beginning to lose weight. She was
advised to put her baby on formula, and eventually her baby was fine, her
hair grew back, and her teeth returned to normal. < baby never returned
to the breast >

        My question is, has anyone ever heard of this before and WHAT
could cause it?