Gloria, cats need much, much more protein than humans do or than cows do.
 Best bet is to get kitten formula from the vet or pet store.  Kittens may
grow into blind cats if they don't get mother cat's milk or kitten formula if
mother cat is dead.  I'm a veteran of many orphaned kittens.  If you can't
find another cat nursing kittens who will nurse this one, too, then kitten
formula from the vet, pet store, or farm supply store works best.  Feed
often, in small amounts.  Kittens also have a strong sucking need and will
easily over-feed causing many problems (constipation, colic, diahrrea,
misery).  Good luck with the kitty.  Oh, they also need to be held and
cuddled and a teddy bear or other stuffed animal to sleep with is most
helpful.  Keitha (cat person--I have 7 now and have had as many as 10 at one
time).  :)