In a message dated 97-09-26 13:21:39 EDT, you write:

<< the ob  prescribed  1% Hydrocordisone  to the breasts but not the nipples
 and areola as this area was not involved.
 This was the 3rd child and the the first time with this problem.
 mailto:[log in to unmask]

Really, I was under the impresion that HC was too strong to be applied there.
 Meaning it would cross over to the milk.  Anyone with a definite?

Laura Stone  <[log in to unmask]>
mommie to Kristen Ashley (July 11, 1991) and Brenden Ross (July 9, 1996)
married to Clayton Ross on March 18, 1989

~there is no darkness like ignorance~
                             an egyptian proverb
~teachers open the door, but you must enter~
                             a chinese proverb