Please explain to me why a mom nursing a 2 month old should stop
breastfeeding for 1 1/2 days after having a mamogram?  This poor mom was told
by her OB not to worry about a lump in her breast (slightly smaller than a
golf ball) is nontender, doesn't change with nursings.  She was told
that since she is only 28 y/o there is no reason to be concerned.  She took
my advice and thereafter went to her primary physician and he referred her
for testing.  The radiology department first told her that she should stop
nursing 2 days before the reason why.  I told her she should empty
her breasts prior to the testing.  I also went over to radiology and inquired
and was told, "Oh, she should not nurse for 1 1/2 days off that breast being
tested because of the radiation it will get".....I just don't get it?
Puzzled in Chicago Burbs