The most striking thing for me in this photo is the mom.  Look at
her face.  How much food is there in her household?  How far is that
tin having to go (if it is formula) - how many others in the home is
it feeding?  What is the powder being mixed with?  What source of
water does she have?  How far does the mom have to go to fetch the
water?  How much energy has she got for fetching, boiling, mixing?
Is there refrigeration?  How far is she from a clinic / health worker
 so that she can take the baby for treatment of opportunistic
infections?  In this country, we'd need to investigate if the
mom is perhaps feeding a dairy blend (the stuff that you stick
in coffee to make it look milky).  These are off the top of my head
on a Sunday morning - I'm sure there are many more that we can come
up with.

> We all know that although its NOT the best, babies do ok on
> regular formula and dont die from it like this little girl did . . .
Unfortunately, they do here - I think gastro is our number one
Lynn Moony
Johannesburg, South Africa
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