Katharine West said:
<snip for bandwidth>
<< hotmail has a "no tolerance" policy for spam as
well as other types of Internet abuse. They request copies of the
offending mail (including headers I suppose) to be sent to them directly
at mailto:[log in to unmask]   They will immediately terminate mail
service for the offenders.
I am not particularly saavy about how one
might do this for systems other than hotmail,  <snip>. >>

postmaster@<insert_domain_name_here>.com usually works if an email to
[log in to unmask] bounces. I've done it several times in response
to obscene postings on misc.kids.breastfeeding and alt.support.breastfeeding
with several different service providers and generally gotten positive

It's often necessary to check the complete headers to determine where a post
really comes from, though. Many offensive posters use phony or anonymous
email addresses, so hitting "reply" often doesn't give you the right domain

Unfortunately, there are thousands of ISPs out there and the same creeps keep
showing up with a new email address. :-p One of the regulars on m.k.b
actually submitted a proposal for a new group to be called
alt.sex.fetish.lactation so that the perverts could have their own place to
discuss their kinks. Too bad they didn't vote it into existence.........

Diane DiCarlo