I'm sure others will pipe in - feed the baby!  abm if the milk supply is
not there and work on the bf and the supply at the same time.  Of course
this should have been done when big problems were seen at that 1 mo.
visit.  I would just die if my baby weighed that at 2 mos! I even
question the rule of thumb about back to b.w. by 2 wks. (and I realize
this baby was over b.w. at 2 wks).  It seems the baby should just gain
and gain from day one.  And be over the b.w. by the 2 wks.  The general
rule seems to be if not back to b.w. by 2 wks, then give it one more week
- of course adjusting the bf practices (latch, frequency, etc) for
optimal millk transfer. What do you guys thnink? Both my kids were way
over b.w. at 2 wks.
laurie wheeler, RNC, MN, IBCLC