In a message dated 97-09-17 05:30:10 EDT, you write:

<< I got a lot of pron spam from this guy (he has scanned me on the web with
 word "breast"), so very probably this is a troll. Could anyone, preferable
 someone from a human milk bank, post to this newsgroup that this cannot be a
 serious call and that official milk banks has nothing to do with it? >>

Although I'm not a milk bank (well -- except to my daughter.;-) ) I posted a
warning to the group as soon as I saw the post you quoted. The same guy has
posted ads for X-rated sites, so I was more than sure that he wasn't legit.

Unfortunately and have
regular occurances of this sort of thing. They're public forums -- anyboby
with access to Usenet can read and post there.The down side is that women who
are really looking for support can get scared away, but at least most of the
regulars there are already hip to the perverts and promptly chase them off.

Diane DiCarlo