Hi everyone!!  I am currently working with a female soldier who is inducing
lactation for her soon to be born adopted son (about 4 weeks to go).  She is
doing wonderfully as far as lactation, but I am wondering if anyone on the
list has any knowledge of the family leave regulations of the Army???  She is
an E-4, and works as the secretary/driver for her company commander.  Her
company commander has told her that she can only take 2 weeks leave after the
birth of her son---since she is not actually giving birth.  She called her
state senator and he also contacted her CC, but it seems that the family
leave regulations are mandated because of medical neccessity only.  I am
wondering if the leave revolves around medical necessity, if it would not be
possible to get a pediatrician to state that this mom requires extra leave to
bf her child???  Is there a better angle to this??  Should she contact the
legal counsel that is available to her on post??  Seems like discrimination
to me.  Any experience or ideas out there??
                                               Pam Holland, IBCLC
                                       Bf Coordinator, Savannah, GA WIC