Surprise, surprise, these "antique" breastpumps (as you apparently
think of them) are still very much in use in Italy, where you can buy them
in any pharmacy. You can get them in glass or plastic, but I don't think the
bulb is made of rubber any more.
        If anyone wants one to add to their collection, just let me know!
        I used one myself 12 or 14 years ago. I didn't know then that they
weren't recommended by bf. associations (if I had been in contact with a bf.
association at that time, I wouldn't have needed a pump in the first place),
but in fact I don't remember having any problems with it.
        The same company that produces these breastpumps also now produces a
rather similar little gadget: it's a small plastic bulb attached to a little
cone, which can be used to pull out flat nipples. It seems to me quite a
good idea, and it's small enough to carry around with you. However, I've
only met one person who's used it so far, which isn't exactly a large sample!
                                Anna Lowenstein, Zagarolo, Italy