I hope I'm not repeating this---I'm skipping some digests because I now have
to download EVERY ONE of them (sigh) and don't always have the time....
     BUT, I want you all to know that Nikki Lee, MSN, IBCLC, mother of 2 has
self-published "Benefits of Breastfeeding and Their Economic Impact".  It is
all about cost savings---she found that one country alone (USA) stands to
save more dollars than the formula mongers make in profit each year by
breastfeeding.There are pages and pages of references.  We can all use this
info to justify insurance coverage, tax dollar allocation, etc.  It is
     Nikki is selling this report (which an HMO paid her to do!!!).  Her
e-mail is [log in to unmask] for specifics
   This is NOT a commercial :), but there have been recent posts about this


-Debi Ferrarello, RN, IBCLC (and MSHE wannabe!)