In a message dated 97-09-08 23:46:01 EDT, you write:

<< Another question on a recent thread:
 do you scald the milk when expressed and THEN freeze it?
 or if the mom has some already frozen and it smells bad, can she scald it
 after it THAWS and use it , and will that take care of the off taste?
 Laurie Wheeler, RNC, MN, IBCLC >>

Since the foul taste is caused by the action of an enzyme (lipase), the milk
has to be sterilized *before* storage to prevent the the process of lipolysis
(breakdown of the lipids). As long as enzyme in the milk is allowed to
reamain active, the milk will develop the nasty taste.

Milk which is already spoiled cannot be "fixed". Think of it as being
partially digested already......

Diane DiCarlo
Brooklyn, NY