Helen notes,

<< I have been telling my patients that breastmilk is good in the
 for 72 hours.  Has that changed? I have been reading in the digest 5 - 8

There have been two further studies -- one saying 5 days, and a later one
saying 8 days.  My own personal opinion is that you can store the milk until
it doesn't taste or smell good.  Do we worry about a carton of cow's milk and
how many days it has been in the fridge?  I don't -- if I think it has been
there awhile, I do the sniff test -- if it's yukky, I throw it out.

We worry about the  breastmilk going "bad" or losing some of the protective
factors (immunoglobulins, antiinfectives, vitamins, etc etc), but if it loses
a bit of this and that, is formula ever better?  Perhaps the moral of the
story is to relax a bit about it? Freeze the milk if you aren't going to use
it in the next week, leave it in the fridge if you are???
