Quoted from the LLLI Fact Sheet, 1994:
"At 57 weeks post conception (4 months adjusted age) both pre-term and
full-tern human milk-fed infants had significantly better visual evoked
potential and forced-choice p[referential-looking acuity than formula-fed
infants; at 36 months, full-tern human milk-fed children had
significantly better random dot stereo acuity and letter matching ability
than formula-fed children." Birch E et al. Breast-feeding and optimal
visual development.  _J Periatr Ophthal Strab_ 1993; 30:33-38.


"Healthy, term infants fed breast milk had better visual-evoked potential
activity and higher DHA levels than infants who received infant formula
as their major energy source."  Makrides M et al.  Erythrocyte
docosahexaenoic acid correlates with the visual response of healthy term
infants.  _Pediatr Res_ 33(4):425-27.
Karen Zeretzke
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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