Here is my message to Jerry Scott in response to today's comic.  Wanda is
 nursing & singing to Hammie (mommy's going to buy you a mockingbird) & 3
yr old  runs in.  "If he gets one, I get one too"
sylvia boyd
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: 8/29 Baby Blues comic
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 17:23:17

i want to commend you on your normal presentation of life at Wanda's
house.  You show so well how it is to have two young children.  Today's
comic shows the super hearing older sibs have when they think baby is
getting more than they do.  I love the normal way you show Hammie
nursing.  You even captured the nursing baby scrawl.  Perfect.  Keep up
the great work.

Sylvia Boyd, CLE (certified lactation educator)
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