I sometimes point out to mothers who express hesitancy at public
breastfeeding, that the rubber bottle nipple represents a mother's nipple
and we accept these as they stick out of diaper bags, are left lying around
on the floor, or dropped in public places by tired, irritable, or full
babies.  " We" (Americans) think nothing of going into the store and
picking thru various and sundry nipple shapes to purchase.   Flowers arrive
on the postpartum unit with bottles with NIPPLES sticking out IN PUBLIC, as
a part of the flower gift!  etc, etc.
        What do you think Lactnetters?  Shall we go on a campaign to express the
horror we feel???
        Just some random thoughts after a day at WIC---some frustrations and some
encounters with a few awesomely dedicated breastfeeding  moms....
  (actually today, the giver-uppers equalled the perseverers. Yeah, WIC!)
Michelle Scott, RD, MA, IBCLC  in  New Hampshire