Hi Everyone,
I've been no mail for a while because I moved, so maybe this has been
addressed.  If so , I'm sorry for the repeat but I'd be interested to get
some professional opinions on something I came across at work yesterday (Dr.
Jack, you out there?!)  I work in maternity at a very large city hospital now
and the Ross rep came to show us the new breastfeeding take-home kits they
have prepared.  I wasn't impressed with the handpump, though HE SAID they
have Dr. Ruth Lawrence's endorsement for it.  But the biggest thing that got
my attention was his claim that their  new updated formula was even MORE like
breastmilk (where have we heard that before!), that babies experienced NO
constipation from it and that their stools were very close to breastfed baby
stools.The brochure he gave us made these claims:
-- Nucleotide levels and ration patterned after the total potentially
available nucleotides from bm
--New fat blend provides fat and calcium absorption similar to that of the bf
--New fat blend supports visual, mental and psychomotor development similar
to that of the bf infant.
--Unique protein system provides plasma essential amino acid pattern similar
to that of the bf infant
I have a hard time believing these claims (been doing this too long for that)
and I'd be interested to hear what the real scoop is.  Sure, it would be
great for those babies who CAN'T bf to not have to endure the side effects of
abm, but how true are these claims.  Anyone know?
Yours for good health and the truth,
Marsha Puckett RN, IBCLC
Indpls, IN