I'm surprised that some of you see so few mothers that need the big glass pump
flange.  Obviously I don't see tons, but probably see at least a couple of moms
a year.  I bought several pairs of glass flanges for the hospital I work at and
we just lend them out when needed.  We collect a check that covers the wholesale
price and the check just sits in my drawer until the flange is
returned--sometimes they've stayed out for months, which is okay since we have

I've been harping at Medela for years that there needs to be a size in between
the regular and the huge.  I know I have lost mothers who didn't fit into either
size and were unwilling/unable to hand express, which is sad.  Hopefully the
need will be met in the near future--I notice that Medela's survey that is done
every year at ILCA has had a question on the need for an in-between flange for
the last few years.

Becky Krumwiede, RN, IBCLC, Appleton, WI
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