
This is great news.  I got both posts you sent about it.  I have just gotten
used to reading individual posts but I don't prefer it.  It's harder to find
the ones from PSers and friends.  Just too many posts in the mailbox.

Sigh.  I have been very busy but productive in the past week.  Grandma Ruth
is lively and wonderful to have around.  I just hope and pray that
miraculously there is no cancer in her bones or brain now that we know her
lungs and liver are okay.  Dr.s appointment is Friday; no word from the
pathologist yet.

I'm going to be on the NH breastfeeding Task Force.  I'll let you know later
if this turns out to be a bureaucratic drag or a plus.    Seems like days
since I was at work but it was on Thursday that G. Ruth had the surgery and I
put in all of an hour and a half while she was in surgery.

Hope you are getting everything done recovering from the time on the Vineyard
and you get that dress sewn for Sally.  I remember those days.  I loved to
sew dresses for Ingrid when she was younger.  What did you end up ordering
from the catalogue for the older ones?

I'm sorry I didn't answer your post.  :(  I did in my mind but posts do NOT
come on time these days - a day or two after they're sent! and I didn't
remember that you were going to have the computer with you on vacation.
  Part of the problem is that I change computers and if its on one it might
not be on the other.  I was using the IBM clone all last week and then AOL
wouldn't work on it anymore. Had a GPF twice and then it just wouldn't
initialize the modem.  I'll have to reinstall it. So I'm back on the MAC.

It's late.  I'm tired.  But feeling good.  I told Krister about your meeting
the phish band person and was he ever excited.  Can't *you* help them MOM?
 "See, Krister", I said, "that's why he was GLAD Kathleen Didn't know who
phish was. "

Oh, the most exciting news of the day: Krister made the UNH Division One
soccer team.  He's thrilled.  A dream come true.  Now let's see if he ever
gets off the bench this season ;).

I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday.   What a momentous day.
