The family of a new postpartum mom called me this evening (apparently mom
is still in bad shape).  Mother hemorrhaged badly during birth and is
still in hospital.  The Dr. has prescribed Epogen to stimulate red blood
cell production and to "stimulate division of progenitors".  The nurses,
in trying to locate a generic name, came up with Epotein Alpha and
Erythropoeitia.  The nurses said it is a very new drug and they have
little info on its safety during breastfeeding.  I have checked Hale
(97), Breastfeeding Answer Book, and a non-BF drug resource.  None even
list these names.

I will counsel mother on pumping and dumping in the meanwhile (she has
stated she will not breastfeed until she can determine the safety).
Mother and physician want to know about any studies about safety for
breastfed infant.  Presumably this will not be for long-term use, and I
am still *not* sure why a transfusion was not given (perhaps religious

Please send any info you can offer.  TIA

Diana Hatch, MS, LLLL
Denton, TX
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