TOOTHPASTE!  (I've heard it should be with flouride--not sure why)

It works, trust me.  My husband and I learned that it does SO much better
than "Afterbite" or any of the commercial products on the market for
bee/wasp/hornet stings.  We heard from other campers about 2 children than
ran down to the stream at the campground to play while their parents put up
the tent.  They got into some kind of stinging insects and were both stung
all over their bodies.  The little boy ran back to his parents while the
little girl was cared for by some other campers at the stream.  Parent's put
"Afterbite" on little boy and took him still screaming in pain to find
sister.  When they arrived she was fine, not even crying, but covered with
Crest toothpaste on all her stings.  The difference was amazing.
We now always carry Crest toothpaste in our first aid kit and whenever hiking
or camping.  I had forgotten about this when I had a very personal
experience.  My son threw his frisbee in a tree close to our house and I
climbed the tree (small tree) to get high enough to shake the frisbee loose.
 Well, I also shook a wasp nest and they came after ME!  I received some
nasty stings on the top of my head as I got out of that tree in record time!
 The pain was awful, but thank goodness my husband was home and remembered
the tootpaste.  He gobbed it on the top of my head and within a minute or two
I was fine, almost like magic.  It works!  Probably neutralizes the venom in
some way.
Also completely safe for nursing mom and baby.