The New York Times reported this morning that the American Medical
Association has agreed for the first time to allow its name to be used in
endorsing Sunbeam Corporation's line of home health care products. Payment to
the AMA is flexible enough to allow for larger payments if the products are
successful-----Analysts predict that the agreement could potentially net
millions of dollars for the AMA.

Michael Jacobson, from the Center of Science in the Public Interest claimed
that it is "treacherous for nonprofit groups in general, and health
organizations in particular, to sell their names to corporations. It
immediately sets up a conflict of interest."

Susan Gallagher, a securities analyst with Prudential Securities, stated that
"It's very useful for Sunbeam's marketing strategy. In consumers' minds, the
AMA seal of approval carries a lot of weight, and it gives Sunbeam a real
edge over its competition."

The AMA has "nobly" targeted the money for health, educational and research
programs for smoking, family violence, women's health and other health

Roberta Cricco-Lizza RN MPH MS