On July 4, Judy wrote:
But to Melissa aka Lemon Balm or just plain Balm. I can't remember where I
heard this, but Melissa was recommended to me for menstrual cramps.
Nothing but nothing had ever helped me, but one cup or two at the most,
and that was the end of them. On the other hand, my daughter said that it
did not help her.... Maybe it helped me because it is supposedly a
vasodilator.... would this make it OK for breastfeeding?

I saved this part of a post for my 17 yr. old daughter who was away for 3
weeks.  I know it is not lactation related, but since I read it
here...hopefully some of you can answer my question.

Liz gets the worst menstrual cramps I have ever witnessed.  She usually misses
2 or 3 days of school per month.  She has passed out when trying to "rally",
and basically just sleeps through the first few days of menses.  I feel so
helpless and inadequate to help her, and very "guilty" as cramps have never
been a problem for me, so I can only watch her and love her.

While Liz was away, I got some lemon balm and we got to try it a few days ago.
 It worked beautifully!!  We are both thankful for the post, and excited.  My
question has to do with the mention of it being a  vasodilator.  We have a
family Hx of VonWillebrand's disease...a blood clotting disorder.  Liz does
not have VonWillebrands, but she does have prolonged bleeding times and low
factor VIII.  Is there anything in lemon balm that could be harmful to her, or
cause further bleeding difficulties?

Thanking you all for your wealth of knowledge...and praying that this "cure"
will be okay for her....Oh, and I will be NOMAIL from Aug. 5 thru Aug 25 (for
the ILCA conf. and vacation!!)  Please e-mail privately!

Diane DiSandro, BA, IBCLC
Audubon, PA--private practice LC