Mary Anne,
     Thanks for your letter going out to American Baby. I know Marsha Walker
wrote them, about that terrible  BF information. I am also writing them. I
did one article for them and invited them to call me as a BF resource in
future pieces. Now my name is on their editorial page, and they still don't
use their own advisor... It's that old problem , "we know your'e the
breastfeeding expert, but he's/she's a doctor". That was in reference to
another bad piece of nursing information I attempted, that time successfully,
to correct. This last one was a complete shock. I am asking them to remove my
name from the magazine. It's difficult because for a few pieces I worked very
diligently with them to get good information out there to moms through the
magazine. One step forward and twenty years backward.
     I would appreciate any and all letters to the magazine concerning their
recent debacle of misinformation. My pulling my name out will mean nothing if
it doesn't mean it will affect the overall distribution of the magazine- but
professionals feeling that they cannot in good conscience give it to their
clients because of erroneous information DOES mean something. Thanks, Judy
Fram, Brooklyn, NY (Since I am still nomail please cc lactnet posts
concerning this to me as well as the list.) I will post on the Veggie
cookbooks later.