Our local Palm Beach, Florida, newspaper ran an article on this sad occurence
also.  Two things of note:  baby was born on May 16th and has been
hospitalized until recently, when discharged to parents.  Mother must have
been pumping to maintain supply, and may have been supplying baby with EBM
while he was in hospital but the article didn't say this. Mother and baby
both tested positive for methadone at baby's birth, and this wasn't reason
for her to discontinue supplying breastmilk for her baby, if indeed she was.
   Also, toxicology reports were not in yet.  Mom had been told not to
breastfeed if she used heroin (don't know who was policing that! - she is an
addict, after all).  The couple's two other children have been removed from
the home.  The father was criminally charged along with the mother.
  I am sure that the whole story has not yet been told.

Lisa Jones, LLLL, Wellington FL