In a message dated 97-07-29 10:47:15 EDT, Melissa wrote

<< the mother of an 18-month old
 complained of only having milk in her right breast which is noticably
 larger than the left.  When her child was a newborn she had "a little"
 milk but baby didn't like to nurse on that side and has more or less
 refused ever since.  >>


With my third child I never had any milk in the left breast.  When I went
back to work, despite trying to nurse Timothy on that side first & third at
every feeding, (L-R-L), when I pumped at work, the most I ever got was 3 cc.
 I had nursed the two girls without difficulty -- the only thing that could
account for it was that I had a mastitis with daughter number 2 on the left
side -- and milk supply diminished at that time, but not completely.  NEver
found any reason for lack of mmilk; had a mammogram when I stopped bf and
have had several since (Tim is almost 13), but nothing has ever shown up.
 Virtually the same thing happened to my sister with her third child -- she
ended up, as I did, one sided nursing from about 7 months until Rebecca
weaned at almost 2.

My guess is a variation of normal, but after weaning I'd suggest she have a
mammogram just to make sure.

Jan Barger