My daughter (second child so I was better read :D ) never did get bathed
in the hospital.  My husband has VERY dry skin and some areas of
questionable eczema and I had read about the benefits of leaving the
vernix on for an extended time and gently rubbing it in.  Of course the
nurses surely thought I was a nutcase but with my second child I didn't
care what they thought after all it was MY baby.  I really don't know
why the nurses make extra work for themselves unless it is because they
think the mother will be turned off if handed an unbathed baby.  If you
have no episiotomy there is no blood so no risk to healthcare workers
(who should not be touching your baby anyway :O ) and I don't think a
simple bath isn't going to get rid of potential infectious agents
anyway.  Just MHO.
Warmllly, Ilene
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"Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want,
but the realization of how much you already have!