Hello Netters,

Enough have now contacted me to send them this info., that I will take time
out and post this.  Here are the figures for the creamatocrits cal. and %.

Creamatocrit     3            4            5            6            7
            8             9

Gr of Fat/ml    0.012   0.023         0.03       0.037     0.044        0.051

Cal/ml             0.49    0.56           0.62       0.69       0.76
         0.82        0.89

Cal/oz            15.7    17.8            20          22.1       24.3
         26,4        28.5

% of Cal-fat     22        37              44         48.2       52.1
         56           58.2

CREAMATOCRIT       10          11          12

Gr. of fat/ml            0.064       0.071     0.078

Cal/ml                    0.96         1.02      1.09

Cal/oz                   30.7          32.8      34.9

% of Cal - fat          60.4          62.6      64

This all is based on regression equations in Lucas, Gibbs, Lyster,  & Baum.
 Creamatocret:  Simple Clinical Technique for Estimating Fat Concentration
and Energy Value of Human Milk.  BRMJ  1978; 1:1018-1020
This is Paula Meirers info so if you use it, please give her credit.  Thanks
"Rush Hour", Commuting periods during which you slow down to five mph.
 Shouldnt't this be called the stop hour instead?  by Mrs. Webster's Guide to
Business. That is how I feel with the Chicago traffic, especially now the are
doing constuction everywhere too.
Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
Naperville, IL