The cause of psoriasis is unknown, but it is likely an auto-immune disorder.
 Eczema, on the other hand, is likely an allergic response.
  The two often are confused.  They look similar, but eczema is usually more
blistery-looking, more oozy and itchier than psoriasis.  Psoriasis presents
as skin areas that are slightly raised, have red borders, and are covered
with large white or silvery scales (if I could scan in a picture of my lower
legs, this is what you would see).
  Dr. Newman talked about Dovonex, a prescription cream for psoriasis, in
April - it's in the Archives.  Moms can make dietary changes or take herbs to
help boost their immune systems, but a lot of times psoriasis is just made
worse by stress - like the stress of being a new mother.
  My psoriasis has come and gone several times over the past eight years -
whether lactating, pregnant, or neither.  It is just one of those annoying
  Lisa Jones, LLLL in Wellington Fl