To      : Martha
Re      : Paxil

 From my newest edition out last week.  Please note new fields including 
Pregnancy risk factors,  MW =molecular weight, pKa= equilibrium coef., drug
interactions, Australian, Canadian tradnames, etc.  Also,  the pediatric 
concerns are "Only" those via breastmilk,   NOT the direct administration to
the infant.


Tom Hale, PH.D.


Paroxetine                              Fax # 1333

Trade: Paxil
Canadian/Australian:  Aropax 20
Uses:   Antidepressant, serotonin reuptake inhibitor
AAP:   Not reviewed

Paroxetine is a typical serotonin reuptake inhibitor.   Although it undergoes
hepatic metabolism,  the metabolites are not active.  Paroxetine is exceedingly
lipophilic and distributes throughout the body with only 1% remaining in 
plasma.   In one case report of a mother receiving 20 mg/day paroxetine at
steady state,   the breastmilk level at peak (4  hours) was 7.6 µg/L.   While
the maternal paroxetine dose was 333 µg/kg,  the maximum daily dose to the
infant was estimated at 1.14 µg/kg or 0.34% of the maternal dose.

Pregnancy Risk Category:  B

Adult Concerns: Sedation, headache, dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, insomnia,
constipation, seizures.

Pediatric Concerns: Although this product has been occasionally used in
breastfeeding and pregnant women,  no reports of untoward effects have been

Drug Interactions: Decreased effect with phenobarbital and phenytoin.
Increased toxicity with alcohol, cimetidine, MAO inhibitors (serotonergic
syndrome).  Increased effect with fluoxetine, tricyclic antidepressants, 
sertraline, phenothiazines, warfarin.

AHL     = 21 hours      M/P     = 0.09
PHL     =               PB      = 95%
PK      = 5-8  hours    Oral    = Complete
MW      = 329           pKa     =
Vd      = 3-28

1.      Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Package Insert, 1996.
2.      Kaye CM, Haddock RE, Langley PF et al.  a review of the metabolism and
pharmacokinetics of paroxetine in man.  Acta Psychiatr Scand 80(Suppl
350):60-75, 1989.
3.      Spigset O. Paroxetine level in breast milk. J. Clin Psy. 57(1):39,