
I think we all have to respect where the parents of this baby are
right now. I can understand that this is not the time for them to get
political and to start making trouble for the hospital and the people
on whom their baby's life depends. If they can ensure that the
doctor's orders and the ABM feeds are documented (and even this may
be too much to ask) then they will have a choice later, when the
crisis period is over.

Maybe this is what concerns your mentors - that by firing up the
parents about their legal rights etc you are putting more stress on
them instead of supporting them at this time. Of course all parents have
a right to know the facts, but we should not let our own outrage and
agendas interfere at such a traumatic time.  My guess is that you
were gentle with the parents and it is only in your recounting to
your 1000 allies that your anger came through - an appropriate

Sadly, these situations keep happening because most parents feel too
vulnerable to act, or feel guilty about taking action against the
people who they perceive saved their baby's life.  Complex dynamics.
Sooner or later it will all blow up in public in the face of some
hospital - but it may take an unnecessary death from NEC or similar.
Meanwhile, maintain your rage.

Ros Escott BAppSc IBCLC
Tasmania, Australia