FROM: Sturgess, Frances Coulter
TO:[log in to unmask]
   [log in to unmask]
SUBJECT: Kaiser study, question for Suzanne
DATE: 07-11-97   18:42 EST

wah! they finally published the Kaiser/1400$ per breastfed infant saved study
BUT IT ONLY SHOWS A 200$ saving now...after all the reanalysis I guess and a
lot of caveats that indicate a need for further study.   THey did say that if
the current rate @ 6 mo (17%) went up to the Healthy People 2000 rate of 50$,
their particular HMO would save 140,000$ per year as 700 more infants would be
Suzanne Haydu, do you have any ideas on why the change?

I wouldn/t be so disappointed except that the preliminary preliminary results
(posted to the WEB last year) were so much grander.

FYI it is in Vol 3 # 6 of the American Journal of Mdanaged Care, Economic
Advantages of breast-Feeding in an HMO Setting: a Pilot Study by Christine
Hoey, RN IBCLC and Julie L. Ware MD IBCLC