The explanation of calorie content of commercial baby foods compared to
breast milk is extremely important.  In an informal survey conducted of
telephone calls to the Breastfeeding Helpline I help staff, I have noted most
mothers beginning solid foods in this area think they are supposed to nurse af
ter giving solid foods.  And most mothers start solids closer to 4 than 6
months in this area.  No wonder they see a wieght gain slow-down.  I have
done my own research on commercial baby foods.  I cannot find any that ounce
for ounce equal the caloric content of breast milk.  And additives are still
a problem.  I point this out in my breastfeeding classes.  99% of
mothers-to-be have not checked this out for themselves.  I tell them to check
it out for themselves.  When moms call about weight problems, we suggest
backing of solids first, increasing mom's calorie and fat intake, look for
food intolerances etc before pushing more commercial solids.  Excellent
success with this strategy.

Jane Kershaw [log in to unmask]