Some helpful resources for Nofia and Debbie, in dealing with a
"breastfeeding ignorant religious leader":

"Straight From the Heart: A Torah Perspective on Mothering Through Nursing"
by Tehilla Abramov. Southfield, MI: Targum Press Inc., 1990.  Distributed
in the US by Philipp Feldheim, Inc., 200 Airport Executive Park, Spring
Valley, NY 10977
Distributed in Israel by Nof Books, Ltd. POB 23646, Jerusalem 91235

The dust jacket of the book states that the author is IBCLC.  This book
contains endorsements by several Israeli Orthodox rabbis.  It has many
helpful hints for nursing, stated clearly and well.  (I would like to see
the author update her references and draw on newer resources in a new

Also, for Debbie's collection of quotes:

See The Talmud, Steinsaltz Edition, Volume X Tractate Ketubot, PartIV, pp
273 - 281 of the 1994 Random House edition.  This contains a lengthy
discussion of how long a mother should nurse (including a comment that "A
sturdy child may continue to nurse until he is four years old, and a sickly
child may continue to nurse until he is five,").  The text also covers
nursing after a divorce; nursing twins; wet-nurses; at what age an infant
recognizes its mother and will refuse to nurse from a substitue, so that
the mother may be compelled to nurse to save the child's life even if she
has vowed not to; how a blind child recognizes his mother ("by the smell
and taste of his mother's milk.") and more.

The Talmud, by the way, consists of Rabbinic commentaries on the Torah, the
first five books of the Bible, and I believe was written around the First

Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC and LLL leader in Madison, WI