Hi, I am delurking to ask a question.

I am working with a mom who was taking 300mg of mexiletine 3x a day while
pregnant.  It is for heart arrhythmia.  The baby is 3 weeks old and she is
breastfeeding and still taking the mexiletine.

Her pediatrician wants her to continue breastfeeding, but wants information
on the mexiletine.  LLL's Breastfeeding Answer Book says no effect on baby or
lactation; the USPDI says don't breastfeed; Clinical Pharmacy (Aug 1991) says
concentration in milk are low and cannot be detected in the plasma of
breastfed infants.

I have faxed these three pieces of info to the pediatrician.  The sources
conflict, so if I'm confused, I'm sure the mother is and maybe the
pediatrician too.  Does anyone have anything else?  Also, does anyone have a
study on long-term effects on a BF baby who's mother is taking mexiletine -
if there are any long-term effects?

Thank you.

Deb Wirtel, LLLL
St. Louis
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