Lactnetters in the Toronto area check out the article in the
Toronto Sun   Friday June 13  "Who will give kids health care ?"
According to Dr Paul Munk of the Canadian Pediatric Society
a study done by Ross Labs shows that we have a future
shortage of pediatricians !   (Ross Labs ?)
According to Munk, studies show that pediatric medicine is
cost effective and provides better quality care for children.

Is this why the CPS teamed up with Mead Johnson to give out
to new mothers, cute Peter Rabbit diaper bags containing two large
cans of 'modified cows milk' ?   According to the CPS they needed
financial help to get all their valuable information out to the
new parents !  Seems to me that the CPS is interested in helping
mothers to feed their babies artificially and perhaps to keep themselves in
business or am I getting cynical ? !!

Ruth Bacon IBCLC  Thornhill Ontario