> I have
>run into some confusion as to what lip gets tickled by the nipple??

I know that there are people on both sides of this, and in fact I lean
towards one side myself. But I think that it is safe and wise to say:
whatever works is "right".

That statement aside, I find that stroking downward on the lower lip
seems to help the babies drop the jaw and make a wide mouth; so, I teach
this as my "preference", but try to tell mothers that it is not
necessarily the one right way.  I have been intrigued of late by Chloe
Fischer's video, and how she has the mothers merely touch the baby to the
breast, and then wait, rather than tickle or stroke or whatever else the
lips. In her video, these babies very calmly gape nicely, and even hold
the gape!  I've rarely had a baby just sit there with a wide open mouth,
and wonder if these were exceptional babies who made photography easier.
But, I am trying this out now before going to stroking, as it does make
sense to me that lots of tickle-tickle or stroke-stroke might be
confusing to some babies.  Start with the least stimulating, work up the
ladder to whatever works.

-Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC