Wait a minute, if these symptoms date from the end of the pregnancy,
when prolactin is being inhibited by progesterone, how are they the
result of prolactin?  Will someone clue me in if I am being thick?
 Hi Catherine
Maybe I didn't make my Lactnet  post clear, My patient did not begain having
headaches until about day 3 after her delivery. I beleive this is when the
prolactin level is rising.. Extra pumping produced more headaches, more feeding
in a day produced more headaches, and the headaches were more intense at night.
Her prolactin level was high, as well it should be the first few weeks/months
after delivery but I dont' have my clients prolactin level . This to me all
pointed to prolectin induced migraines.  Then  at about 3- 4 months  as the
prolactin level level off or decreasing her headaches began to lessen and now
she has very few.
So what do you think, I really don't know but to me it sure looks like Prolactin
levels had a lot to do with this clients migraines.

Jan Aken
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