Last Saturday in the "Reliable Source/Names and Faces" section of the
Washington Post, a story about a couple who delivered at a downtown DC
hospital, got a bunch of feebies from a baby bottle company (clue: smooth
stream), along with a form to mail or fax in to enter a Mother's day
sweepstakes for a $50,000 college scholarship for babies born on that special
day. Anyone else heard of this sweepstakes in other parts of the
country/world? Dad faxed in the form and won. The mother was quoted as saying
that the baby was nursing (so glad of that and that this fact was included in
the article) but would be off the breast at some point and so they can use
all those bottles. With all this ABM backed encouragement to use bottles the
switch to formula is likely to be sooner rather than later. Our local LCA of
Greater Washington should contact this couple and offer some free lactation
consulting to support a longer duration of breastfeeding so that this future
college student can take full advantage of the scholarship and get a Phd in
lactation! Would that be irony or karma?

Springfield, VA