>I would like specific Fenugreek directions for inc. milk supply, please.
>Should a mother do a tea, or capsules? Kathleen

There is tea, capsule and tincture.  Tinctures are usually more potent than
capsules. The following is what I have found effective. I'm sure other
recommendations and other companies would be effective, but I stick with
what I've had success with.

I find the Nature's Way company to be a reputable one and use their herbs
when they are available. Most health-food stores carry this brand. They are
Nature's Way Products, Inc., America's Natural Healthcare Company, 10
Mountain Springs Parkway, Springville, UT,84663.

Their Fenugreek capsule is 610 mg each and I recommend beginning with 1
capsule 4 times a day, increasing to 5 a day on day 2. I have had success
with this dosage. Some mothers, on their own, have increased to 6 after
seeing improvement in their supply and wanting to speed it up.  Also some
choose to take 2 at a time instead of trying to remember to take something 4
or 5 times.

I recommend one week of the herb.  The initial boost (24-48 hrs) becomes a
steady increase for the rest of the week. Of course, frequent feeding or
pumping is essential.

Patricia Gima, IBCLC
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