On the radio this morning I was distracted from my breastfast by a
brief report on a Tasmanian epidemiological study of children. They
have released their findings on bone density for 'Medical Research
Week' this week.  Apparently they have found that *duration of
breastfeeding* has a direct positive correlation with bone density,
which they are linking to decreasing the risk osteopososis in later
life.  I would swear I even heard them recommending prolonged
breastfeeding on the news, or was I dreaming?

There is a poster display of this project up at the local hospital,
so I will go in and find out more. The mother's diet during pregnancy
is apparently another important factor.

How nice if this turns out to be a clear 'dose dependent' advantage
of breastfeeding.  A good reason to encourage mothers to breastfeed

Ros Escott BAppSc IBCLC
Tasmania, Australia