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From:   [log in to unmask] (Chris Hafner-Eaton)
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Date: 97-06-04 11:36:59 EDT

Norma:  The protocol is as follows:  one loading dose of 400 mg and 150-200
mg daily for 2-4 weeks (2 being the absolute minimum).  Docs here are still
not convinced of this, but it IS necessary.  What we do when we give
one-three doses is like taking half the Rx for antibiotics.  The weakest
are killed and the strongest remain to reproduce in a stronger strain.
Once yeast is in the ducts, the only thing that works is systemic
treatment.  What I have been basing my recommendations on is all the
protocols for yeast treatment that is not at the skin level. Thus, if you
find a source that tells you how to treat esophageal yeast, that is much
closer to ductal than vaginal in the nature of the "organ" if you will.

Have I sent you my yeast article?  It has ways to treat yeast in the event
that the practitioner will NOT prescribe enough.  Gentian violet, while
effective for nipple, oral and skin yeast, is not effective for deep tissue
treatment.  Nystatin-either oral or topical--is useless on ductal yeast
except for helping to knock out the overgrowth in the intestines.  Nystatin
does not cross the intestinal villi and actually enter the blood stream.
If midwife or doc won't prescribe Diflucan, I have found Nizoral (also by
Rx) is very effective.  Oral Nizoral for two weeks (once per day) plus
topical Nizoral (ketoconazole).  Baby needs to receive oral treatment and
intestinal treatment (so Nystatin will work unless the strain is
resistant-as in 48% are).  Baby can have oral swabbing of gentian violet
plus Lactobacilli capsules opened up.  And/or the mom can get a Rx for
Mycelex trouches and crush them (I prefer this to Nystatin).

I hope this helps. Feel free to post this if you think it will help others.

: )Chris Hafner-Eaton, PhD, MPH, CHES, IBCLC  email: [log in to unmask]   : )
: )HSR & Health Educational Consultant        voice/fax: 541 753 7340    : )